Making Space for Grace
When you free someone from your unforgiveness, you have a chance to change your life and their life by sharing the forgiveness that you have received from God. Forgiveness given to other people multiplies as they receive your forgiveness and forgive people in their lives.
This book is an investment in your life and your future. The steps to forgiveness can set you free from the binding power of unforgiveness by opening the door to the prison of unforgiveness as you forgive.
When you walk in forgiveness, you are set free to leave the past behind you by faith. As you make the choice to quit dragging your past behind you, you can embrace each day of your life because you are free to live in the present.
God will meet your needs for unconditional love, acceptance, security and comfort through His abundant love for you. He provided for your freedom from the sin of unforgiveness upon the cross.